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The changing face of early modern time, 1550-1770
Desborough, Jane    Indice: 1. Introduction 2. Communication methods 3. Trust and distrust 4. Tools of enablement 5. Calendrical insight 6. Lunar wisdom 7. Astronomical knowledge 8. Conclusion.... Anno: 2019
Desborough, Jane
The changing face of early modern time, 1550-1770 / Jane Desborough
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, c2019.
Science city
craft, commerce and curiosity in London, 1550-1800 Rose, Alexandra    Desborough, Jane    Higgitt, Rebekah    ... Indice: Director's foreword. Introduction: Science city / Alexandre Rose and Jane Desborough. 1. A new trade in London (1550-1650) / Jane Desborough 2. Experiment and the... Anno: 2019
Rose, Alexandra
Science city : craft, commerce and curiosity in London, 1550-1800 / Alexandra Rose, Jane Desborough ; with contributions from Rebekah Higgitt ... [et al.].
London : Scala books, 2019.